Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Day I Really Feel Sad

I recieved a message this morning from someone who I used to care alot and who I used to love. She's like my own little sister that know me very well. The connectivity between us is so real.

I messed it up everytime and I don't know why. It seems like I neglected everyone who loves me and care for me that is around me. And the same thing happen when a guy who care for me and love me, but then I neglected them. I don't know how to appriciate relationship nowdays.

I can't think.
I'm numb.

I didn't replied her text cause I don't want her to get hurt again. It seems I've been doing that to her alot. Plus she's taking spm this year. I really don't want to distract her concentration towards the exams.

If you're reading this,
all I can say is I'm sorry.

This one is for you...

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