Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Next Hit.

i was playing my laptop dpn tv.

kelua la video clip kat mtv, best!

i waited til' the end, and it was a song from a singer name Zee Avi.

i loooove her voicee!!!

title of the song yg i tgk tuuu - bitter heart. (Recommended to listen)

But the one i actually like, is dis one :)

Gile cool lagu ni. ahha! q= D Enjoyy....

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Im laying on my bed, wit my dad's lappy.

Listening to Rick Dees (At rick.com).

Tggu my saayang to on9 (Y! M).

Tp x tau die pegi mana.

Td chill. Dgn my saayang.


Kte tgk wyg, kat signiture.

Kte dinner, char kueh tiow kat Kerinchi. :D

Skrg dah 11.37PM, die x on9 lg. Adehhh.




Ok, stop couting minutes farida.

Jap, lemme col si dia!

Diaaa tidurrr. Current mood, angryyyy. Grrrrr. =<

Okeh, malam everyone!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Nokia N-97

I ammmmmmm soooooooo intoooo the latest mobile phone from Nokia.


Cair i tgk the phoneeee... Huwarghhhhhh =(

Anyoone? Siapa nk beli kan utk I? q= D
Muraaaah jee. RM2480! q= D q= D

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Can't Wait....

I can't wait until dis Saturday.

I'll be out of town until Sunday. :) Yay!!

Going out to explore the world and see beautiful things dat god has created.

I'm signing out!

Peace everybodyyy

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Case # 1.

Kete ada masalah. Bila lepas Hand Break, lambang Hand Break kat meter masih menyala. Dah dekat 5 hari jugak!


Tadi time balik keje, otw pegi kete (ktorg park sgt jauh) dgn kwn2, saya pun bertanya lah kepada mereka....

" kenapa kete aku lambang hand break masih nyala, even dah lepas hand break uh? "

" laaa... " (itu lah jawapan mereka) sambungan.. "tu break oil kau habis la tu..."


With some extra oil break dlm kete yan. (dot 3 punya brand tu. Hehe) Mereka pun tuang oil tu ke dlm tmpt yg betul.

Yes!! Kawan saya penyelamat!


Selalu lah belek2 kete anda oke! Jangan jadi mcm saya, tmpt break oil pun tak tau dekat mane. Tapi skrg dah tau! Hehe..

Kesimpulan # 2

Friend's is always there when u need them. :)

Thanks beb!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


When I am actually getting used with the environment at my work place,

They had to change my place!

Haiihh.. q=, (


I tatau nak ckp ape. By the title of my post pun, dah dpt tau.

If still tak tau, pegi google apa meaning disapointed. (-.-")

Still no news until now. Dorang tak bole buat mcm ni!

I declare a WAR!