After putting my things in the locker, I did some stretching and abs crunch (3sets x 50reps) Then head downstairs for cardio..Today was my bicycle day..hehe! :p so my time was 24m3sec for 10km..Then I did another cardio mechine that I have no idea what is the name..and i am tired..ii wasnt the wave,that another one! hehehe..I should ask the PT alot more next time..fuuuuh! gile penat!! I did 2km for 25m4sec! gile kaaan? hihihhi^_^ hmm then I ran upstairs to do my abs again (3sets x 50reps) I lepak2 kejap and change my gym shoes to my sandals to go to parade and buy MCDs for my brothers and his frens..I was feeling sooo baik today! hahaha..lgpun i wanted to buy roti boy sandwich for my tea break (well gym is like my 2nd home, i eat there and drink there) so I dont really mind buying them food
Then I change my sandals to my gym shoes and hit for the bicycle again..that is because RPM class was full :( my 2nd time was 22m30sec for 10km..ade upgarde sikit! hehehe! lepas tu I was feeling for body combat! haikyaaaaak mood la! :D ehh..terbalik! I joined body combat 1st then I wanted to joined RPM (but full) hehhe! silaaap! haaa..lepas tuu I joined body pump, well body pump was the hardest class for me, it is really testing my metal & fizikal and hurting too :( but sbb nak ade muscle..buat sajaa laa..heheh! and after that I join Body jam..grove mood pulak, best best! the insructor pun not bad! :) oh well im tired as hell now..I probably have supper after this..takee caree!
1 apple
1 bowl of corn flacks
4 grill nugget ( because my mom was grilling a fish and there so leftover arang! so i grill the nuggets! ehhee)
1 grill hotdog
half carrot
1 glass peel fresh tropical punch
Tea Break
1 mug fruit tea + 3 pack sugar
1 roti boy egg sandwich
I was at the gym
2 pcs of bread with 1 slice of cheese
1 apple
half manggo
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