They were so very hyper..Penat aku main kejar2 dgn dorang!
Both of them probably 2 and a half months old..Im not very sure lah..Hehehe! Here is some of the picute I snap..., itu pun susah gile nak snap picture dorang!
1st time tgk camera..Muahaha

Eleh...,Malu2 pulak! :p
Dunnot what mot is doing..

Haaa! Padan muke kene gigit!
I didn't cut this picture..Mas movement was tooo fast lah
My precious Mas
Mimi marah anak nya..Huhu
Still...,Masih berdegil
Yesterday I went to Midvalley to hunt for Adidas shops..Yes, I did went into all of the Adidas shop in Midvalley..
Ohhhhhh yes, I also found the thing I wanted..But it wasnt cheap! And there is some of them are cheap...,but I wasnt really interested on that...Hahhh! Kene kumpul duit just to buy one thing..
Hell yes I am very sad because I went to midvalley and return home with empty handed! Baaaah!
Two things happened when I was at midvalley..
1. There was a negro wanted to know me..
The story begun..., I was looking at the map to find any sports shop while my brother and his friends was buying shoes for themselvs..Then...,A black guy approch me and he said "Hello, How are you?" That was the funniest momment lah! Am I attractive or what? Muahahah!
How did I respond to it? You don't want to know..Hahaha!
2. There was a girl asking me a hot question!
"Are you interested to become a model?" Ohmigod! For only 3hours I've been there, alot of things can happend eyy? So I rejected the invitation because I was in a hurry.. I would say yes to it but seriously....., I was in a hurry! Alaaa..That modeling thing maybe could be a scam or something..So I am not really into it...And again....,Am I attractive or whaaaat? Hahahahha! Perasan nye....
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