Monday, September 10, 2007


I baught a piece of jeans from a sales rack at summit when I was prolly 15 y/o but I never wore it cause I didn't like it. Its like, very small at the bottom. So it doesn't really comforting when you are wearing it cause it's jeans. If you don't know, I don't really like to wear jeans that much. My babe(s) also don't see me much wearing jeans. I just have jeans prolly around 5-6 pairs and other(s) not jeans. So yeah, I hate jeans.

Anyway, this is the jeans I'm talking about that small at the bottom.

So since I hate the bottom part, I decided to chop it off!


Introducing the new tailor......


So it fit me now! I like it..
No more small bottom..

But like I'm going to wear it je kan? hehee

Anyway, I found this jeans when I was searching and looking for my hooded sweatshirt but I jumpe this jeans insteed. I went thru all the bags and everywhere! but tak jumpe :(

Where the hell could my red sweatshirt be??

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