Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Dear god..

dear god,
please give me strength and help me to be strong to go thru dis life.

farida, take it slow.
farida, look up! u still have a long way to go.
farida, jgn fikir backwards.
farida, u have to do thing rationally.
farida, u haf to accept the fact tht this happen to u for a reason!

words dat come from an old fren of mine.
sometime, reading the msgs dat she gave me, it really helps.


si Gadis said...

babe, relax laa k. dont push urself to hard. selagi u bole enjoy urself go ahead. do ur own things. ape u rase u nak u buat. dont think about others because this is ur world ur life. *tapi jgn laa yg melampau gile kann. haha :) * take care aite ;) mish yaww :D

Freeda! said...

byk sng mau ckp, byk susah mau buat. apa mcm? tp tape la. mayb there's certain things i need to sort it out first. i rily dunno where am i standing in the next 10 years onwards. b'celaru bila fikir lah.