2nd task, PTPTN form.....,

So today is actually the last day to hand up that form...Ok that was my fault for sending my form last minute..Kakak tu marah2 because some of the details is not compeleted..Ya laaaa! Mana la aku nak tau kod istitusi semua tu! And some of the details I write in pencil..Including my daddy sign and my mama sign...She asked me to erased it all and write in pen!
Ok...How am I going to copy my daddy's sign and my mama's sign? Hahaha. So at the end...., I didn't hand up that form. I am abit mad actually....Tapi nak buat mcm mana kan? Lgpun kakak tu was abit rude to me..And yes I know it is my fault. So, takpe la.. I don't really mind not getting loans for my studies...
"Haa..Itu la...,pandai2 nak send form tu last minute.." I am abit mad at myself laaah!! Arggghhhh
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