Tuesday, July 24, 2007


My upper and lower back is completely sore. I did yoga and my mind was totally off (what I meant by off is, I don't think about anything except for the movement that I am about to make, well yeah, something like that laa..hehehe) in the class and wanted to challenge myself and yes my whole body actually got stretched reaal good. Every bit of it, is a taste like heaven. Hahaha. Tak sesuai lgsung ayat tu.

Anyway, the reason why I join yoga this past few months is because I want to have a good posture. I really have a bad, very bad posture. And I want to be flexible! Hehehe. Ok maybe that is slightly impossible because to be flexible u got to start at a younger age kan? Eh, ye ke? Hehehe. Well, that is my opinion la kan. Hmm, and I strongly think I can be flexible, but it will takes time and more yoga classes. Siggghh.

(Picture was stolen from www.deviantart.com)