Tuesday, October 27, 2009

1 Malaysia.

saya nak travel mcm gaya backpackers la. sape nk ikut? haha. tp tggu 2 tahun dr skrg lah!
saya x nk gi jauh2. Malaysia pun x hbs jln lgi.

ohhhh, i wishhh! tp klu bule, i want to aim, be4 umur 28 tahun, aku nak travel 1 Malaysia. tp klu dpt 2 tahun dr skrg pun, best jgkk. (",) so, mula dr skrg, kne la belajar geografi. which is the subject yg paling tidak ku gemari. hahaha q= D

in life i want to do more. i want to try new things. the only one thing that stopping me is 'bajet'. my brother organize alot of outdoor activities. i only had the chance to do outdoor activities with them, which is water rafting & caving only once but dat was like a few months back. it was worth spending my money for. :)

if u interested to have a good time doing outdoor activites (paint ball, caving, water rafting, hiking, etc) http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=96344705850&ref=ts. dis is a group in facebook. if they haf new activities, u instantly will get an invitation once u join the group. (hint hint - and if u mention my name, u proally can get discount ;) hehehe. ohh u wish! aku pun x dpt diskaun.) but the price is kinda okie lah. ade certain2 activity murah jgk lahh bule bajet jgk lahh. lahh.. lahhh..

and dis is their official website. http://stryderbuddyz.com/

korg bule berseronok di ulu2 mane entah, dah jauhhhhh drpd kesibukan bandar!

anyway, sy sgt jeles dkt abg sy sbb end of dis year, die nk gi singapore. siap ajak2 lg. mmg nak gile ikut wehh! tapi,, pasport pun takdak. adushhhh..

okie, tahun 2017! satu malaysia yaa frida :D

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