Saturday, June 2, 2007

Ohh, Typical Life

Instead of jogging at 6pm at that hilly road, I am sitting at my couch eating chendol. Baaaaahhh!

Today is nana's sister akad nikah day. And tomorrow is their wedding day. She wanted me to hand out the bunga telur to the guest but I couldn't really make it and felt very, very terribly bad because I actually said yes for an answer before this and really had to cancle it at very last minute. Ohhh yes, I felt very, very bad because only two of our friends is at her house.

So, I decided to sms my friend rafidah saying I am truly sorry because I can't go to the event and asked her how's thing going on and how was it? And she mms this picture ;)

(Why are they so dramatic? Hahaha..Farina is holding the egg & Nana is on the right. Rafidah is not in the picture)

Well, today Ezzah & me wanted to go out with Amzar just to go minum2. Then I got this great idea! "Hey, jom pegi rumah nana!" But instead of going to minum2 or going to nana's house, the plan got canceled. Yes, CANCELED! Hahaha..Because Amzar had something to do at 10pm so he said lets go out at 8! I was like, haven't you notice that it is raining very heavily outside? So we decided to canceled and I didn't want Amzar to rush. I am such a very nice person kan? Hahaha. Oh yeah, I didn't do the talking with Amzar, I did the talking with Ezzah and Ezzah did the talking with Amzar. ;-)

So, I sat my fat ass with my brother cramer and my mama on the couch and ate alot of rambutans. It is still in season and my daddy baught aloooooot of them. Kenyang gile! So tonight was my rambutan night everyone. Hahaha. I was craving for rambutan since last tuesday and today baru dapat. I've waited for 5days taau! Hehehe q= D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahahahaha...nie ezzah yee...hehe
..giler glamor name aku ade..hehehe..
waahhh!! peristiwa itu pun tercatat dlm blog ko gler :P